Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Mele Kalikimaka!
It has been a while since I have posted and as most of you know it is because we have brought a new little life into this world and honestly I am totally exhausted. I did, however, want to share this photo. This Christmas we were blessed with the most wonderful gift of all- our sweet, angel baby Alex Marie. We are so lucky to have all of our family so close to us for the holidays. Thank you to all our friends and family and all of the love and support we have been getting. Once I feel a little more rested I will share my birth experience with you all!
Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
according to my iphone.
China mans hat. Kaya pup in her snuggie.
Cloth diaper stash. Babies room.
Cardboard reindeer. Little headbands for the babe.
Dane and I. Sunset at Laniakea.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Birthing Journey
At 37 weeks, I felt it fitting to visit the ancient Hawaiian birthing stones at Kukaniloko. Ancient Hawaiian women would travel long distances just to give birth near these stones.
These stones are in the middle of a pineapple field in Wahiawa.
A little history:
Kukaniloko means "to anchor the cry from within." Kukaniloko was one of two sites set aside for the birth of royalty in Hawaii. The Ali'i were the managers of people and the land, and were thought of as gods. The Ali'i gave birth here because the mana, the spiritual entity, accorded the royal child. It is said that ancient Hawaiians would come to these birthing stones to have a pain free birth. These women would follow a strict diet and exercise regime recommended by the Kahuna. Many various Hawaiian plants were ingested also to prepare the mother for a painless birth.
A total of 48 chiefs witnessed the birth and rituals. These chiefs were used for oral references, as nothing in the past was written down. These chiefs pledged to support the newborn ali'i. The mother would be transported to the Kukaniloko birthing stone on a finely woven mat. The mother would not actually touch the rock; it was a gravity-type birth. The mother would drink a sap mixed with water so the birthing process would be painless. There are indentations in the stone where the retainers would place their legs for leverage to hold the mother. Two more retainers stood at the foot of the rock. The mother would place her feet on their hipbones for support. Another Kahuna would stand behind the mother and she would push down on the retainers' shoulders. One last Kahuna would receive the baby.
Some think the site also may have served ancient astronomers, like a Hawaiian Stonehenge. Petroglyphs of human forms and circles appear on some of the stones.
It is tradition to leave an "offering" to the Gods. Many people place leis on the birthing stones. I found it interesting that there were coins from foreign countries on the birthing stones.
Our offering:
The mountain range behind the birthing stones is said to resemble a pregnant woman's profile. What do you think?
Mahalo to Millilani High School for the history of the stones.
These stones are in the middle of a pineapple field in Wahiawa.
A little history:
Kukaniloko means "to anchor the cry from within." Kukaniloko was one of two sites set aside for the birth of royalty in Hawaii. The Ali'i were the managers of people and the land, and were thought of as gods. The Ali'i gave birth here because the mana, the spiritual entity, accorded the royal child. It is said that ancient Hawaiians would come to these birthing stones to have a pain free birth. These women would follow a strict diet and exercise regime recommended by the Kahuna. Many various Hawaiian plants were ingested also to prepare the mother for a painless birth.
A total of 48 chiefs witnessed the birth and rituals. These chiefs were used for oral references, as nothing in the past was written down. These chiefs pledged to support the newborn ali'i. The mother would be transported to the Kukaniloko birthing stone on a finely woven mat. The mother would not actually touch the rock; it was a gravity-type birth. The mother would drink a sap mixed with water so the birthing process would be painless. There are indentations in the stone where the retainers would place their legs for leverage to hold the mother. Two more retainers stood at the foot of the rock. The mother would place her feet on their hipbones for support. Another Kahuna would stand behind the mother and she would push down on the retainers' shoulders. One last Kahuna would receive the baby.
Some think the site also may have served ancient astronomers, like a Hawaiian Stonehenge. Petroglyphs of human forms and circles appear on some of the stones.
It is tradition to leave an "offering" to the Gods. Many people place leis on the birthing stones. I found it interesting that there were coins from foreign countries on the birthing stones.
Our offering:
The mountain range behind the birthing stones is said to resemble a pregnant woman's profile. What do you think?
Mahalo to Millilani High School for the history of the stones.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Mint Condition

A lovely package arrived in the mail today. Wonderful gifts from my dear friend Leanna at ParcelMint! (To anyone trying to find a gift for the holidays, anything from this shop would be a great idea!)
This package came with postcards and a journal. Everything is hand made and I love the detail that is put into each item. I especially love the sewn on accents that add the perfect touch to these simple and delicately beautiful gifts. I can't wait to write someone a postcard... who will it be?
Friday, November 23, 2012
36 weeks: Maternity Style
This week Dane and I explored the sunflower fields in Waialua on the North Shore of Oahu. Even on a cloudy, drizzly day these flowers are so cheerful!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone stuffs themselves silly today, on this day of feasting. Since my stomach is so jam packed with all my other innards and a big ol' baby at the moment... I will be having small but frequent meals all day (or at least till I fall asleep from all the tryptophan).
I know I will be in good company of friends and family, though I must admit, every year I greatly miss my mothers wonderful gravy and delectable pies. Well, just being home for the holidays in general and the crisp, cool air.
But today is not just about feasting, it is about being together with loved ones and being thankful. I am thankful for all the love and support Dane and I have gotten over the past months. With our little turkey baking in my belly I can not be more thankful for both of our good health and the joy that awaits us around the corner.
Gobble, Gobble!
I must admit, I do get a little nostalgic during the holiday season but I am thankful that I can wear a bikini on Thanksgiving and get a little sun tan too!
I know I will be in good company of friends and family, though I must admit, every year I greatly miss my mothers wonderful gravy and delectable pies. Well, just being home for the holidays in general and the crisp, cool air.
But today is not just about feasting, it is about being together with loved ones and being thankful. I am thankful for all the love and support Dane and I have gotten over the past months. With our little turkey baking in my belly I can not be more thankful for both of our good health and the joy that awaits us around the corner.
Gobble, Gobble!
I must admit, I do get a little nostalgic during the holiday season but I am thankful that I can wear a bikini on Thanksgiving and get a little sun tan too!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
according to my iphone.
Dane and I. Floating around.
Dinner. Carrot cake.
Childbirth stories. Ice cream!
Spices. The ocean.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Leahi Health
Another great place in Kaimuki for a quick pick me up is my friend Jason and Heidi's health bar called Leahi Health Beverages. Right on the corner of 9th Avenue and Waialae, next to a small fresh fruit and veggie market. Prices are unbeatable- $5 smoothies, coffee from $2.50- $4.50, and fresh and homemade Kombucha for $4 a glass! Not to mention this little ray of sunshine will be mixing up your wonderful beverage.
My smoothie had just about everything in it from Gogi berries to spinach, blueberries, cacoa, mint, you name it it was in there! All the good stuff for me and the baby!
I love that they have all of these wonderful ingredients to choose from: kale, celery, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, fresh papaya, an array of nuts and seeds, mint, organic peanut butter, and so much more. Check them out next time your in Kaimuki!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Onesie
As most know, expecting parents seem to be given a plethora of white onesies ranging from newborn to 12 months in size. I continue to hear that they will all be used and white seems to be the it color, but I started thinking, why white? Especially since you arent supposed to use bleach on baby products. So what is the perk of white?
I thought about sewing different items or cutouts on the onesies (and probably still will) but I thought this absence of color was rather boring so... I tie dyed. How fun it is!
You never know what you are going to create, but I am pleased with my turn out.
I got a little carried away with the editing of the pics, sorry!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Orchid Obsession
Over the weekend I finally took myself to Olomana Farms around the east side of the island. I feel like I drive by this colorful orchid farm every week as Dane and I head for the beach but have never stopped until now. I was greeted by Peter, owner of Olomana Farms, who was so incredibly knowledgeable about orchids that I stood there and talked to him for an hour.
I have to admit this is now going to be my third time trying to keep an orchid alive so lets hope all goes well. Peter was able to help me to figure out what I was doing wrong with my previous orchids- little did I know all I had to do was re-pot them! These little suckers are so dang fickle but so beautiful and Hawaii is the perfect climate to grow them so I figured why not give it a whirl again.
This farm is run by a local family that has been on this plot of land for ages, they ship their orchids all over the world, are extremely honest in telling you if you chose a good orchid or not, and have really great prices. So if you are ever on the windward side of Oahu and whether or not you are looking to purchase an orchid stop by Olomana Farms and at least walk around the acres of colorful, majestic orchids they have all around.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
32 weeks: Maternity Style

As some of you might know, I just got home from a surprise visit to California to see my friends and family and to feel a little chill in the air (been overheating on this island!). It was a short but sweet visit. I was rather tired the whole time but I feel like I got so see a lot of important people to me while I was home and I am really thankful for that.
This was my second year surprising my mom for her birthday which means a couple things: 1) It probably wont be a surprise any longer because she will probably start to expect it. And 2) It is the start of the holiday season and I start to get a little nostalgic which is perfect because 3) Flying off island at the end of October is really cheap!
As for the bump, she is growing bigger and her kicks stronger. When Dane picked us up at the airport I am pretty sure she could hear her Dad because she started doing backflips! Though the crisp California air felt amazing it feels good to be home. We are officially in the final stretch and start our lamaze and birthing classes at the hospital within the week. We still don't have a name for the little babe but I sure can't wait to meet her!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Perfect Pumpkin
Only have time for a quick post so here it is:
Dane made his first pumpkin of the season!
P.S. Dont mind the bikini, its definitely not fall weather around these parts! Life in the tropics!
Dane made his first pumpkin of the season!
P.S. Dont mind the bikini, its definitely not fall weather around these parts! Life in the tropics!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Long Lost Jewlery
I have been receiving many compliments on my token bracelet at the moment so I figured I would just share with everyone where I found it: It is called the "Dainty Bracelet" by Long Lost Jewelry. I love this jewelry designer because she makes simple beach inspired accessories at a reasonable price and she is just the sweetest lady I have never met!
I originally saw pictures like the ones below from one of my favorite island girl blogs Goldfish Kiss and immediately fell in love with the simplicity of this charming bracelet. I bought myself one in sea green chalcedony and I was so excited when I got my package that I put it on right away. On my first day of wearing it I went to a beach BBQ and at one point I looked down at my wrist and it was gone! I was so bummed. I think that maybe it got hooked on my beach chair and that is how it got snagged off my wrist and eaten by the great abyss of sand on the North Shore. I don't know. But being the jewelry maker that I am myself I emailed Ms. Phyllis over at Long Lost and asked her about the materials she used and explained to her my story about how I lost it on the first day. With out even asking she sent me a new one the next day! I have not taken this new one off ever since and that was about 4 months ago. I wear it to the beach, in the shower, to work, everywhere and it still looks brand new!
Photos courtesy of Goldfish Kiss.
I originally saw pictures like the ones below from one of my favorite island girl blogs Goldfish Kiss and immediately fell in love with the simplicity of this charming bracelet. I bought myself one in sea green chalcedony and I was so excited when I got my package that I put it on right away. On my first day of wearing it I went to a beach BBQ and at one point I looked down at my wrist and it was gone! I was so bummed. I think that maybe it got hooked on my beach chair and that is how it got snagged off my wrist and eaten by the great abyss of sand on the North Shore. I don't know. But being the jewelry maker that I am myself I emailed Ms. Phyllis over at Long Lost and asked her about the materials she used and explained to her my story about how I lost it on the first day. With out even asking she sent me a new one the next day! I have not taken this new one off ever since and that was about 4 months ago. I wear it to the beach, in the shower, to work, everywhere and it still looks brand new!
Photos courtesy of Goldfish Kiss.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Custom Creations by Gloria
My wonderful mother-in-law, Gloria, is extremely creative. She works with all recycled materials, drift wood, seaglass, and shells. She finds everything herself! If she is not in the water treasure hunting you can find her at her work bench creating.
Here are some of her creations over the past months. You can find her work in stores all over the island, though it flies off the shelves, in Kaimuki at Drift Boutique or on the North Shore at Kai Ku Hale. She also takes special orders if you are interested contact me for more information.

Photos courtesy of Gloria.
Here are some of her creations over the past months. You can find her work in stores all over the island, though it flies off the shelves, in Kaimuki at Drift Boutique or on the North Shore at Kai Ku Hale. She also takes special orders if you are interested contact me for more information.

Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Prepping for baby
The baby is coming!
I mean I still have about 2 months, but geez it is coming fast! I don't know what hit me yesterday, must be the "nesting" bug but I decided to totally rearrange the baby's room and get it organized. Previously, I had all the clothes in boxes in the closet with tags still on the new stuff.
Well, everything got de-tagged and organized in baby's dresser and closet. It is no longer our junk room but a baby's room! We are still waiting on some minor details like an actual crib mattress and spare bed for our guests and visitors to sleep on, but in all, it is coming together.
I hung her little dresses. So cute! Her friends are anxiously waiting for her, Pooh and all!
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