As some of you might know, I just got home from a surprise visit to California to see my friends and family and to feel a little chill in the air (been overheating on this island!). It was a short but sweet visit. I was rather tired the whole time but I feel like I got so see a lot of important people to me while I was home and I am really thankful for that.
This was my second year surprising my mom for her birthday which means a couple things: 1) It probably wont be a surprise any longer because she will probably start to expect it. And 2) It is the start of the holiday season and I start to get a little nostalgic which is perfect because 3) Flying off island at the end of October is really cheap!
As for the bump, she is growing bigger and her kicks stronger. When Dane picked us up at the airport I am pretty sure she could hear her Dad because she started doing backflips! Though the crisp California air felt amazing it feels good to be home. We are officially in the final stretch and start our lamaze and birthing classes at the hospital within the week. We still don't have a name for the little babe but I sure can't wait to meet her!
I am so glad you came home!! What a wonderful surprise and perfect timing. Loved seeing you and the bump! xoxo