For Breakfast:
Plain Greek Yogart
Handful of Blueberries and strawberries
A little granola
and some honey
For Lunch:
Mixed greens and kale
Carrot shreds
some boiled beets
and a simple balsamic, dijon mustard dressing
For Snack:
Some homemade bruschetta (tomatoe, basil, garilc, olive oil, balsamic vin, and a little pepper) on little bread crisps.
Mixed berry, spinach, pineapple, banana, yogart, carrot juice smoothie
For Dinner:
Shrimp stir fry on quinoa
(Shrimp, bell peppers, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, a little teriyaki sauce)
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Losing the Baby Weight- Exercise
On a budget like me? Well if you can't go take yoga classes at your local studio here is a great video for stretching:
During my pregnancy my friend let me borrow her yoga video. This video has pre and postnatal workouts that aren't that difficult but really help to stretch you out in the right places like hips, back, and arms... everything that aches from carrying your new baby around.
This past week I was able to set out time everyday to stretch out. The yoga practice is only about 30 minutes so I would either do it while Alex was napping or just put her on the ground next to me. This week... I know its only Tuesday but I am not doing quite as good as last week.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
According to my iphone.
Big girl sitting alone. Dane and Alex sleeping.
Octopus friend. That face.
Smiley girl. First night in her crib.
The cutest bootie ever! Alex, confused.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Life, Love, and a little bit of Aloha

I was told my daughter is the same size as an average 4 month old. I have been working hard to cut out the unnecessary sweets and this week Dane brought home a Costco size box of doughnut holes. He is mean.
Totally in love with my new sewing machine. It is a Singer and my in-laws gave it to me for Christmas. I have been making pillow covers, curtains, and even some fun onesies for Alex. I am even trying to find some material so that I can try to make a bikini...
Fighting Eel is a local clothing company. It was started by a couple of girlfriends who went to the University of Hawaii and has just continued to grow. They now have 2 shops on island. They are a favorite of mine because they use soft, stretchy fabrics in colorful solids and stripes!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Losing the Baby Weight: Food
For Breakfast:
1/3 cup of steel cut oats
handful of chopped almonds
handful of blueberries
handful of blackberries
with some cinnamon on top
If it tastes too dry, or I dont have berries, I add a little 100% pure maple syrup
For Lunch:
Egg, bean, rice tacos
Add a little salsa and some avocado.
Fiber and protein, good for me and good for the baby!
For Snacks:
Fruit, satisfies my sweet craving after a meal.
Papaya or Banana with some peanut butter.
(I read eating a papaya a day will help reduce your chances of getting cervical cancer.)
For Dinner:
I know this doesn't look appetizing. Bad lighting too. But it was actually really good and I finally found a way to prepare Kale that Dane likes!
Chicken with mushrooms and capers with a white wine sauce, quinoa, and steamed Kale with minced garlic and a dash of balsamic vinegar.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Adventures in Cloth
Lately, my life revolves around, not only the baby, but doing laundry. Literally every day. I am not complaining, well sort of, but honestly I love it and it is not difficult.
I want to share our cloth adventure because as I was deciding to go cloth and researching it on the internet I couldn't find and exact routine of how someone would cloth. There are many ways to do it so I figure I would share ours and hopefully it might help someone.
To start, we acquired about 25 Bumgenius 4.0 diapers. We also have 2 Bumgenius Elemental diapers that I bought just to try one of the other cloth diapers they offered.
Because we don't have an extremely large amount of the diapers I find myself doing laundry just about every day. The only way this is works out for us is (1) I am not working and (2) Our utilities are included in our rent because we have solar, one of the many perks of living in the sunshine year round. If we were living somewhere that we had to pay our utilities I would probably go ahead and buy more cloth diapers so that we wouldnt be doing laundry every day and more like every other day.
I didn't do anything fancy to come up with my diaper pail. We went to the store and picked up one of these buckets with a lid and voila! I originally started out with filling the bucket 3/4 of the way with water (wet pail). This became to heavy for me and honestly too messy when I am loading them into the washer. Though wet pailing does help with the stink.
For now, we dry pail. I just pull out the inserts and fold over the shell of the diaper and finished! No fuss, no muss. I know it is time to launder them once my pail fills up. This being about 19 diapers leaving me with 6 or so fresh ones to use while cleaning and air drying them. If she has a wild day and is going like crazy and I run out while they are still drying then I always have a few disposables on hand just in case.
I do want to point out that I am breastfeeding and because breastfed baby poo is water soluble I do not use my sprayer to rinse off her doodie. No need. But we do have the Bumgenius Sprayer for once she starts incorporating solids and we most likely will go back to using a wet pail because solid poops are real stinky.
Since I have already taken out my inserts I literally just dump the pail into the washer and do my first load. Cloth diapers take about 3 loads to wash. I know, that is a lot of water!
The first load is just cold water on the largest setting- no detergent. The second load is hot water and I add 2 scoops of detergent. I have been using Rock'n Green Detergent. So far, so good! Then for the third, I just do a rinse/spin cycle and finally finished. Once a month I do add 1/4 cup of bleach to the hot load to help with smell and stains. I feel like the sun does this but it is suggested by Bumgenius.
I put the inserts in the dryer on low heat and hang the shells outside in the sun and air to dry. It is truly amazing the power the sun has to fight stains and even odor. After being in the sun, stains are gone!
Once they are all clean, I bring them inside and Alex helps me set them up for the next use. Stuffing and folding, stuffing and folding.
I want to share our cloth adventure because as I was deciding to go cloth and researching it on the internet I couldn't find and exact routine of how someone would cloth. There are many ways to do it so I figure I would share ours and hopefully it might help someone.
To start, we acquired about 25 Bumgenius 4.0 diapers. We also have 2 Bumgenius Elemental diapers that I bought just to try one of the other cloth diapers they offered.
Because we don't have an extremely large amount of the diapers I find myself doing laundry just about every day. The only way this is works out for us is (1) I am not working and (2) Our utilities are included in our rent because we have solar, one of the many perks of living in the sunshine year round. If we were living somewhere that we had to pay our utilities I would probably go ahead and buy more cloth diapers so that we wouldnt be doing laundry every day and more like every other day.
I didn't do anything fancy to come up with my diaper pail. We went to the store and picked up one of these buckets with a lid and voila! I originally started out with filling the bucket 3/4 of the way with water (wet pail). This became to heavy for me and honestly too messy when I am loading them into the washer. Though wet pailing does help with the stink.
For now, we dry pail. I just pull out the inserts and fold over the shell of the diaper and finished! No fuss, no muss. I know it is time to launder them once my pail fills up. This being about 19 diapers leaving me with 6 or so fresh ones to use while cleaning and air drying them. If she has a wild day and is going like crazy and I run out while they are still drying then I always have a few disposables on hand just in case.
I do want to point out that I am breastfeeding and because breastfed baby poo is water soluble I do not use my sprayer to rinse off her doodie. No need. But we do have the Bumgenius Sprayer for once she starts incorporating solids and we most likely will go back to using a wet pail because solid poops are real stinky.
Since I have already taken out my inserts I literally just dump the pail into the washer and do my first load. Cloth diapers take about 3 loads to wash. I know, that is a lot of water!
The first load is just cold water on the largest setting- no detergent. The second load is hot water and I add 2 scoops of detergent. I have been using Rock'n Green Detergent. So far, so good! Then for the third, I just do a rinse/spin cycle and finally finished. Once a month I do add 1/4 cup of bleach to the hot load to help with smell and stains. I feel like the sun does this but it is suggested by Bumgenius.
I put the inserts in the dryer on low heat and hang the shells outside in the sun and air to dry. It is truly amazing the power the sun has to fight stains and even odor. After being in the sun, stains are gone!
Once they are all clean, I bring them inside and Alex helps me set them up for the next use. Stuffing and folding, stuffing and folding.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Going into the doctors I felt that I was going to be leaving mortified with an out of control screaming baby. I had been a little nervous and quite frankly scared about Alex starting her shots mainly for this reason. Of course, not to brag, she was amazing! But here are some tips that helped us while getting her shots:
Bring a support person.
It is not easy seeing your baby scream and cry in pain. Honestly, I started to tear up just watching her cry.
Hold the baby.
Alex's wonderful grandma Glo held her and I think it helped her to feel like she wasn't alone and then she went to her Momma for comforting after it was all done.
Feed baby right away.
I know it probably isn't what some would suggest giving the boob when the baby cries but come on. That calmed her down instantly so we were able to leave the doctors with a calm, content baby. By the time we got to the car she had forgotten all about it.
Bring a support person.
It is not easy seeing your baby scream and cry in pain. Honestly, I started to tear up just watching her cry.
Hold the baby.
Alex's wonderful grandma Glo held her and I think it helped her to feel like she wasn't alone and then she went to her Momma for comforting after it was all done.
Feed baby right away.
I know it probably isn't what some would suggest giving the boob when the baby cries but come on. That calmed her down instantly so we were able to leave the doctors with a calm, content baby. By the time we got to the car she had forgotten all about it.
2 months
Alex Marie is two months old today! She has been sleeping in her crib. She has out grown her co- sleeper (similar to a bassinet). It is sad moving her into her own room but good because she is healthy and growing like a weed. Outgrew it in length of course (Long, tall Sally just like her Momma). She is still sleeping good at night, waking up once for a feeding normally around 3 or 4am. I cant wait for her to sleep through the night, every night...
She has begun to smile a lot more. When I feed her, sometimes, I will notice her stop nursing. I look down and see this big, gummy grin looking back up at me. That sweet face of hers just melts my heart. I am so in love.
We were having some issues with her taking a bottle. She is now taking one everyday (so when I go back to work she doesn't get "nipple confusion" - real thing). It has taken weeks but she has finally taken a bottle from her Daddy!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Losing the Baby Weight- Exercise
I have never been a runner, nor will I ever be, but I don't mind walking. For my exercise this week, I will be walking at least 4 miles every other day. Hopefully. With the little one in tow it is just about impossible to plan out my week let alone my day. But it is a goal.
My Dad told me about this app for your iphone called Endomondo. I had never heard of it (not really up with the apps and such) so figured I would give it a try. I find it very motivating because it times and it measures the distance you are going. When I think I am ready to turn around I open up my phone and try to push myself for another mile or so. Here is what the app looks like and our walk from today.
I love how it gives you a map of your exercise route. I like how you can change what activity you do from running to windsurfing they have everything!
My Dad told me about this app for your iphone called Endomondo. I had never heard of it (not really up with the apps and such) so figured I would give it a try. I find it very motivating because it times and it measures the distance you are going. When I think I am ready to turn around I open up my phone and try to push myself for another mile or so. Here is what the app looks like and our walk from today.
I love how it gives you a map of your exercise route. I like how you can change what activity you do from running to windsurfing they have everything!
My little Hawaiian Babe loving walks that put her to sleep and sun to keep her warm.
Losing the Baby Weight- The First Step
The first step for me was to sit down and write out things I want to change and I know I need to change. My list looks like this:
- Stop using butter excessively- I cook everything with butter, and though it tastes amazing it is just not healthy and I know it.
- Spend more time on the floor- By this I mean I need to stretch more, I feel like most of my day I spend on the couch and my back constantly aches.
- Replace sweets with healthier options- I have and always will have a sweet tooth. I can't help it, I crave something sweet after just about every meal (except breakfast- cereal is pretty sweet).
- Stop eating so much cereal!
- Eat less rice- I dont know if it is because we live in Hawaii and white rice is a staple out here but we eat rice just about every other day and I want to knock that habit.
- Exercise everyday- this one will be hardest for me but even if I just do some floor workouts for a half hour or lift some weights in the garage.
- Find new fruits and veggies- I feel like I am stuck in habit, when I go to the market I always get the same stuff. Change is good, right!? Maybe even start juicing for snacks.
I started by going to the farmers market this week. Picked up some bananas, onions (I always get white or yellow so I got a red this week too), mango, papaya, carrots, celery, green beans (never really buy out here), bok choy (which I really dont even know how to cook, but the start to a new adventure) and kale.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Losing the Baby Weight
As a breastfeeding mother I have heard so many stories about when you breastfeed the baby weight comes off very quickly. Maybe it is because I am jonesing to get back in my bikinis and hit the beach or maybe just because I am sick of wearing loose fitting clothes to hide my belly or maybe after 9 months I just want my body back and to be able to fit in my old clothes. But whatever it is (all those reasons) I am going to document my, hopefully, weight loss.
I got the courage to do this from one of the other blogs I have followed a lot through my pregnancy and still find very great postpartum. This blog author is totally on point with me and I couldn't have put the reasons any better myself.
The Plan:
Document weekly my activity from healthy meals to exercise routines.
Sit down and write out what I want to change.
Do it!
Image courtesy of Social Moms.
I got the courage to do this from one of the other blogs I have followed a lot through my pregnancy and still find very great postpartum. This blog author is totally on point with me and I couldn't have put the reasons any better myself.
The Plan:
Document weekly my activity from healthy meals to exercise routines.
Sit down and write out what I want to change.
Do it!
Image courtesy of Social Moms.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Life, Loves, and a little bit of Aloha
I spend most of my time indoors. This is because (1) I have a newborn (2) it is flu season and (3) I have a newborn. I find myself dressing Alex all cute for the day. She has so many cute outfits and dresses that I want to at least put her in everything once before she out grows it, which is happening very fast. Come dinner time I am still in my pjs and most likely still haven't showered. Motherhood.
I have fallen in love with Tori Praver Swimwear. My old fling has been re-kindled Swedish Hasbeens. Watching my daughter sleep has become a favorite too.
I would like to use the "Aloha" portion to spotlight something or someone that brings a little bit more aloha into my life. This week I would like to showcase one of my favorite photographers on island Brooklyn Dombrowski. I have been following her work for years now and watched it really grow. She has a wonderful Hawaiian style to her photography and her muses.
I have fallen in love with Tori Praver Swimwear. My old fling has been re-kindled Swedish Hasbeens. Watching my daughter sleep has become a favorite too.
I would like to use the "Aloha" portion to spotlight something or someone that brings a little bit more aloha into my life. This week I would like to showcase one of my favorite photographers on island Brooklyn Dombrowski. I have been following her work for years now and watched it really grow. She has a wonderful Hawaiian style to her photography and her muses.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
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